Harry Potter Studio
Last Minute Tickets

Is it possible to get last minute tickets to visit the Harry Potter Studio in London?

Yes, it’s possible to get to Harry Potter Studio tickets last minute even if they are sold out on the official website.

When Harry Potter Studio tickets are sold out on the official website, you can buy them from a reputable ticket reseller. The tickets will include the access to the Harry Potter Studio and the transportation from Central London, bound in the form of a tour.
Via the official website

If you are looking to buy last minute Harry Potter tickets, your first option is to check the Warner Bros. official website – on occasion there are cancelations and re-bookings, so you might be able to snag last minute tickets. However, there is still hope, even if tickets are sold out on the official website.

Via third-party operators

Many third-party tour operators and resellers buy tickets in bulk, so you may still have the opportunity to visit the Harry Potter London Studios on the day and time that suits you, even if you’re purchasing tickets last minute. In many cases, these tours include roundtrip transportation from London.

Via a combo tour

In case the other options are not available, you can try purchasing a combo tour with last-minute tickets for the Harry Potter Studio London plus a trip to Oxford, for an even more immersive and comprehensive Harry Potter experience.

See Last Minute Tickets & Tours

How can I get Harry Potter Studio tickets if they are sold out?

Can I still find Harry Potter Studio tickets if they’re sold out on the official website?

Yes, even when Harry Potter Studio tickets are sold out on the official website, there’s still hope that tickets may become available for your preferred dates. If you’re searching for tickets early enough in advance, you can return to the official website to see if any spaces have become available due to cancellations or re-bookings. Otherwise, you can book last minute Harry Potter tickets through a third-party reseller or by booking a combo tour.

Can I buy tickets on the day of my visit to Harry Potter London Studio?

No, unfortunately not. Harry Potter Studios tickets can only be purchased online in advance through one of the methods described above. As Harry Potter Studios is a very popular attraction, tickets are often sold out months in advance.

Can I visit something similar to Harry Potter Studio if tickets are sold out?

If you’ve tried all the possibilities listed above and you still can’t find your Harry Potter tickets last minute, there’s another popular option to enjoy a Harry Potter London experience. You could take a sightseeing tour around London to Harry Potter landmarks found throughout the city, including Diagon Alley, Platform 9¾, Gringott’s Bank and many more.

FAQs and tips

How much do Harry Potter Studio tickets cost?
Where can I get last minute tickets for the Harry Potter Studio?
Is it safe to buy last minute Harry Potter Studio tickets?